The 100 Women Who Can approach is a simple, efficient and fun approach to group philanthropy.
100 Women Who Can - Farmington Valley meets four times a year for one hour (Feb., May, Aug. and Nov.).
We each write a check made out for $100 (or more).
Members in good standing may nominate a charity at least one week prior to the meeting. At the meeting, three of the nominated charities are chosen randomly and the women who nominated them get five minutes each to state why they believe their charity should get the collected donations. Then the members vote. Simple majority wins.
The winning charity will get checks for $100 from each of the 100 members. This is $10,000 for a local charity, raised in just one hour.
We won’t stop at 100. Regardless of the number of women who join us, we will go forward with our effort, continuing to expand and increase the impact of our efforts in Hartford County.
A few simple rules:
We each donate $100 per meeting (that’s just over $1 a day each year).
Each of the three charities selected during the draw will be given five minutes for a presentation at the meeting. This presentation must be made by a member of 100 Women Who Can - Farmington Valley who may or may not be affiliated with the nominated organization. The nominating member must be present at the meeting.
If you are unable to attend any given meeting during the year, please make arrangements for another member to bring your check and fill in the “Pay to” section on your behalf. The member who brings another’s check may not vote on behalf of the absent member.
If a member cannot attend a meeting and cannot find another member to bring their check, they have 10 days to send the check to 100 Women Who Can - Farmington Valley. You may make arrangements by emailing
By ballot, the group will vote and the majority rules. Even if you don’t care for the group’s choice, you still must donate. All checks go to one charity.
No national charities will be considered, however, local branches of national charities are eligible for consideration. Our intention is for 100% of the contribution to stay in Hartford County.
Only three charities will be presented at each meeting and the nominating member must be present. If the nominating member is not present, their nomination will not be included in the drawing.
The organization must agree NOT to use member information for future solicitations, nor give the information out to the public.
After being selected by the group to receive the group’s donation, a charity will not be eligible for nomination for two years.
Only members in good standing are permitted to nominate a charity. New members and members in good standing are permitted to vote at quarterly meetings. Good standing is maintained by donation at the previous meeting.
In the event of a tie during voting, we will vote again between the two charities involved in the tie until a charity is chosen.
Members are free to bring friends to learn about our organization but only pledging members get to vote.